In September and October 2024, Dr’s Ben Muller and Joel Alves, in separate operations, fitted six satellite tracking ear tags to various species as an ongoing project of testing new satellite tracking devices in different landscapes and different species. These tags were generously funded by our donors, Morna Retreats.
In Iona National Park, Angola, in collaboration with African Parks, Dr Ben Muller deployed three tags on two Zonkeys (A hybrid cross between a domestic donkey and a Hartmanns mountain zebra) and one kudu. These deployments were carried out opportunistically during a widespread collaring operation of other species in the park.
The importance of tagging the Zonkey’s whilst also collecting DNA samples is to try and better understand their movements across the park and identify areas of cross-over that need to be targeted so as to prevent further hybridisation as it is a serious threat to genetic integrity of the Hartmanns zebra population.
In Liwonde and Nkhotakota National Parks in Malawi, in collaboration with African Parks, Dr Joel Alves opportunistically deployed three tags on two buffalo and one black rhino during general wildlife collaring operations.