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As a result of a generous donation from Conservation Beyond Borders Conservation  Back to Africa erected a predator-proof boma in the Balule reserve adjacent to the Kruger National Park.  


Snaring is a constant problem in protected areas. Animals suffer the most horrendous injuries that require veterinary interventions.


From endangered species like wild dogs to common hyenas we have a moral obligation to avail medical care to these victims. Often they require rehabilitation due to them being unable to hunt ,and facilities are needed to house them during their healing process.


On an annual basis in Balule,  our vets  deal with an average of 5-6 cases of escaped carnivores that need to be captured and returned into the formal protected area. These are often dispersing wild dogs or young lions, which find themselves under pressure from other carnivores/lions,


Typically, before euthanasia is considered, attempts to capture and relocate are tried first. The problem is that once capture is facilitated, we have nowhere to take them and they are “hot-released” back into the protected area with a high chance of escape occurring again.

Back to Africa is a Registered Non Profit Organization and falls under the Section 21 clause.

Registered charity number: 99 18147:/08




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